How to Register

Register as a Player | Register as a Coach Register as a Scorekeeper| Register as a Sponsor

Registering a Player

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Registration" on the top menu
  3. On the next page, click "Enroll"
  4. You will be prompted to either login or to register.
    1. If you have registered on our system before, you can simply login and go to Step 5. Note: If you have registered before, you do not need to re-register.  Please use the same account as you have used previously. You can request a password reset on the login page if you have forgetten your password.
    2. If this is your first time registering then click "Not Registered? Create a new account".  On the next page fill out the form with your information and click "Sign Up".
  5. On the next page, you can add a parent or child.  The child you add is the child that will be registered to play.  You can add as many of your children as you plan to register. If you have previously added your child, you can go to Step 6.
    1. If you need to add a child, simply click "Add Child" for each child you have and fill out the form and click "Add".
    2. If you need to add a parent, simply click "Add Parent".  Adding a parent allows the parent to be listed by coaches and league administrators.
  6. Click on "Enroll" button.
  7. For each child you plan to enroll, select the child, and fill out the rest of form and click "Add Enrollment".
  8. Once you add all of your children, you can click "Proceed to Checkout".
  9. Fill out the next forms and you will be prompted to make an online payment.  Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your registration.

Registering as a Coach

  Please review the information on the Coach's Registration Instruction Page

Registering as a Scorekeeper

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Registration" on the top menu
  3. On the next page, click "Volunteer"
  4. You will be prompted to either login or to register.
    1. If you have registered on our system before, you can simply login and go to Step 5.
    2. If this is your first time registering then click "Not Registered? Create a new account".  On the next page fill out the form with your information and click "Sign Up".
  5. You will now move immediately to the Add to Cart section. Select Any Age Group for the Offering (Age Group Selected does not matter, that will be determined later) and Select "Scorekeeper" as the Enrollment Selection.  Once you have made your selection, click "Add Enrollment" button and then proceed to checkout.
  6. On next page, fill out your organization's information and click "Done".
  7. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your registration.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Registration" on the top menu
  3. On the next page, click "Sponsor" button
  4. You will be prompted to either login or to register.
    1. If you have registered on our system before, you can simply login and go to Step 5.
    2. If this is your first time registering then click "Not Registered? Create a new account".  On the next page fill out the form with your information and click "Sign Up".
  5. You will now move immediately to the Add to Cart section where you get to select the age group you want to sponsor and the Sponsorship Level (Diamond, Platinum, Gold).  Once you have made your selection, click "Add Enrollment" button and then proceed to checkout.
  6. On next page, fill out your organization's information (this includes providing a contact person's information, a logo, website, etc.) and click "Done".
  7. On the final steps, you will be prompted to make an online payment.  Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your registration.