For those who are new to coaching, we have some important tips to give you that will help you prepare for the season. Please read through these and as always feel free to reach out to us with any questions - Contact Us

  1. Prepare a practice plan for each practice
    • It's important that you have a plan each time you have a practice. How you organize your practices goes along way into the development of each of the players on your team. With most teams typically only having an hour of practice time each session, how efficiently you use that time will be vital.
  2. Review Proper Technique of Skills
    • Take time to review the proper techniques of the skills you plan on teaching. There are many experienced coaches in our league who have coaches for many years, but it doesn't hurt to brush up on what you are teaching in case there are parts that you may want to add on to your lesson that you had not previously considered
  3. Review League Rules
    • Our League has a lot of unique rules, specific to each age group. The goal is to ensure the proper development of our players. Please educate yourself on those rules and be prepared to implement these rules during practices and games where appropriate. To review league rules, go here: League Rules
  4. Plan out your lineups prior to games
    • When games are going on, the last thing you want to think about is if you gave each of your players enough time. Depending on the age group, you will be expected to adhere to our Mandatory play rules. As a result, we strongly recommend that you plan out your lineups in advance. It is understandable when circumstances arise, such as foul trouble or injuries, but outside of those scenarios, you will be expected to comply with the league mandatory play rules. Not complying with those rules could lead to punitive action against your team.
  5. Communicate with your parents
    • Parents are a significant part of your team's success and can help support your efforts as a coach. Please communicate with parents early and often. Give them an expectation of how you expect the season to go, your goals, and how they can support the team. Keep in mind, parents are expected to volunteer as well. We ask parents to participate as clock operators when your team is the home team, at all age groups. You also may ask a parent to organize snacks/drinks after the games. Finally there maybe scenarios where parents may assist in your practices or run your practice when you are not available. If you need a parent to step in to run your practice or even your game, please make sure you contact the league administration so that the league is aware.