Paid and Volunteer Positions

Paid Positions

For the upcoming season, we will need clock operators and scorekeepers.  To sign-up, you must register in our system as a Volunteer for the specific position you choose, even if you have already previously registered as a parent or coach.  Each section below gives details for each position:


  • Must be at least 18 years old or older
  • Paid $15 per game
  • In addition to keeping up with scorebook, you must also keep track of team's honoring Mandatory Play Rule based on that specific's league rule
  • Cannot have child or relative in age group scoring games for
  • Register using the "Registration" tab on the top menu

Teen Aged Referee

  • Must be 9th Grade or older
  • Paid $10 per game
  • Must be familiar with specific league rules on clock stoppages for Instructional League
  • To have your child be considered, reach out to us using the Contact Us page

Registering online for either position does not guarantee you a position.  You will be selected and scheduled games at the board members' discretion. For those who do sign-up there will be a meeting for Volunteers to explain your role in greater detail.  See our calendar for details.


Volunteer Positions

We are also in need of volunteers for this season. These are not paid positions, but these positions are in place to help our league to continue to run. Please consider volunteering for these positions.


Uniform Distributor

  • Will help us distribute uniforms during uniform distribution day
  • Opportunity to volunteer will be emailed to those registered for that season

Sign-Up Attendant

  • Help with signing in participants during our skills clinics and/or skills evaluations