Coaches' Instructions

Becoming a Coach

Interested in becoming a coach for the EPWBA?  All our coaches are volunteers, and we are interested in having coaches for all our age groups.  There is a 3 step process you must take in order to become a coach (Register On Website, Complete Concussion Training, Pass Background Check):

  1. Go to our home page at Click on the "Volunteer" button

  2. Even if you have previously registered in year's past, you must re-register again, using your existing account, each year. If this is your first time coaching, you must create an account to start.

  3. Follow the prompts on the screen and answer the necessary questions.

  4. You should see a message on the screen signifying your registration is complete along with an email to the registered email address.

  5. There will be additional questions during registration. This is the ensure that your background check is complete as well.

  6. Additionally, you must complete Concussion Training prior to starting the season. Link is here. After your training is complete, keep a copy of your certificate. You will receive instructions on where to send it.

Important Information Regarding Concussions

  This pamphlet provides further detail about understanding how to handle concussions, recognizing symptoms, and other useful
